
Shane Sweetnam Bio

Shane Sweetnam


Shane Sweetnam, a Country Cork, Ireland native, began his Grand Prix career at sixteen years old and has since shown across North America and Europe. Shane and his wife Ali founded Sweet Oak Farm in September of 2006 with a focus on developing their students- including their own children Olivia, Collin, and Lucy- as not just riders but as individuals outside the farm. Since the inception of Sweet Oak Farm, Shane has been sponsored by Lisa Lourie’s Spy Coast Farm and operates out of Wellington, FL, and Lexington, KY. In July of 2018 Shane was ranked 26th rider in the world and continues to rise to the top while taking part in the Global Champion League Team, Shanghai Swans. Shane has been on countless Nation’s Cups representing Ireland all over the world. 2017 saw Shane pilot Spy Coast Farm’s Chaqui Z to a double clear round to help team Ireland win the European Championship gold medal in Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2021 Shane and Alejandro won the prestigious $400,000 FEI CSI 5* Grand Prix at WEF.