Ashton Kiesner Bio

Ashton Kiesner


Operating one of the nation’s leading Arabian training and breeding facilities, Ashton and Joel Kiesner joined Perfect Products after searching for a more complete gastrointestinal supplement. Up until Ashton’s introduction to Perfect Products by colleague Christine Ryan, Kiesner Training maintained their horses on a popular gastric buffer that was not delivering optimum results. After trying GastroEase EQ, the Kiesners witnessed a great improvement in their show horses’ body conditions and attitudes, due to GastroEase EQ’s complete digestive support. The Kiesners love the results and continue to maintain their top Arabian show horses on GastroEase EQ. Kiesner Training is home to over 50 Arabian show horses specializing in English performance, and both Ashton and Joel have a lifetime of experience in training and showing Arabian Horses. Joel has been named a Professional Horseman of the Year and was Saddle Seat Trainer Male of the Year for three years in a row, while Ashton has collected multiple National Championships and Reserve National Championships.



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