Perfect Prep EQ Training Day Success Story: Alex Case of Case Performance Horses

Perfect Prep EQ Training Day Success Story: Alex Case of Case Performance Horses

Mar 17th 2020

"Hey there,

My name is Alex Case. I am head trainer and owner of Case Performance Horses training reining horses in Limestone, TN. 

We just purchase a 10-pound tub of Perfect Prep EQ Training Day and started a couple of our Futurity horses on it on Friday. Holy cow guys, we are hooked!

Monday's for 3-year-olds are normally just trying to knock the fresh off so they are more trainable the rest of the week...but not today! Today, the 3-year-old we refer to as 'Squirrel' (actual name Luminescent - nicknamed because of her spastic ADD) came out today and went right to work. We have high hopes for this mare, but have been worried she might not reach her full potential due to her lack of focus and short attention span. Day 3 of feeding Perfect Prep EQ Training Day and Day 1 of riding her on it (and a Monday at that), and our worries have been relieved.

I'm singing your praises to everyone I know. Clients, friends, other trainers, our Facebook page! I am on cloud 9, and the horses seem so much happier too! I'm excited to see what the future holds with this product a part of our program now. It might be green, but this stuff is powdered GOLD!

You guys have a great day 'cause you sure have made mine!

Thank you,

Alex Case - Case Performance Horses"

Thank you for sharing your experience with Perfect Prep EQ Training Day, Alex! We are so pleased to hear about your success and look forward to following your achievements in the future.

To learn more about Perfect Prep EQ Training Day including where to buy, click here.

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