Crystal Nelson Bio

Crystal Nelson


At the ripe age of two, Crystal Nelson was hooked on horses. She worked hard though her junior career which transcribed to opportunities as an amateur. She rode with Karen Healy while attending college and qualified both her horses for the Prix De Nations classes for West Coast Active Riders. Crystal represented the US at the prestigious Spruce Meadows in Calgary, Alberta and competed in the 1.40m Young Rider Championship trials.  


She has won numerous classes at the Grand Prix level, represented the United States in competitions, and competed in Europe with the Czech World Cup team and Nelson Pessoa. After her stint in Europe training with Pessoa in Belgium, Crystal returned stateside where she continued her success in the jumper ring. In addition to her competitive consistency, Crystal has a solid base in equitation and in 2010 she won the OCHSA Professional Equitation Challenge and in 2015 was Reserve Champion.  


Crystal has a reputation for improving horses and successfully developing young, talented hunters/jumpers into top level competitors. She has been buying and selling horses with Nelson Sporthorses LLC based out of Northern California while she continues to teach all levels of riders. Crystal has taken clients from the very beginning to the upper levels of the hunter, jumper, and equitation divisions.