Matt Cyphert Bio

Matt Cyphert


Matt Cyphert of Woodhill Farm has competed successfully, along with his students, in Grand Prix and Hunter Derby competitions throughout the United States. His students have successfully competed at both – USEF Medal Finals and Maclay National Finals, as well as the USEF Talent Search Finals in Gladstone, New Jersey. Matt is a Two Time “National Horse of the Year” Winner (1st year green in 2006 and Older Large Junior Hunter in 2011). Gold Medal winning Chef d’Equipe – 2011 Pony Jumper Championship in Lexington, Kentucky. Long time Chef d’Equipe for Zone 7 at the North American Young Riders Championship as well as Prix des States competition at the Pennsylvania National. In 2008, was awarded the Caristo Cup* (*The award is given to the Chef d’Equipe who best exemplifies enthusiasm and professionalism) at NAYRC for his work with those teams. Multiple International and National Derby winners as both trainer and rider!